
Monday, 7 March 2011

How To Use Emotion & Solve Problem Effectively

Summary – Use emotionThe following story is one of the many interesting stories published on the net.

The Story

Once there was a school with quite a unique problem. The girls at the school were beginning to use lipstick and like everyone else who just started a thing, there were lipstick prints all over the mirrors of the school bathroom.
This however was a problem to the janitor since he would have to clean the mirror every single day.
One day he reported the problem to the school principal and she immediately called up all the students to the bathroom (of course in groups). She then explained that the lip prints were causing problem to the janitor who worked very hard to keep the school clean.
She even asked the janitor to demonstrate how difficult it was to clean the lips prints. The janitor took out a long handled squeegee, dipped it in the toilet, and cleaned the mirror with it.
Since then, there have been no lip prints on the mirror.
/end story
As you can probably notice, the solution is so simple and effective, it is amazing why we can’t come up with it in the first place.
So how can we come up with an amazingly effective solution to other daily problems in our life?
I don’t know about you, but when dealing with people, I personally believe that any solution can be very effective provided we can tap into the people’s emotion.
Let’s look at the story for example. The janitor use the toilet water to induce the feeling of disgust in the students and in the end, he manage to solve the problem completely.

How I Apply It In Real Life

I’m having the same problem here in my mill. A lot of my workers prefer not to wear the safety helmet during working. Of course they will be wearing them when I’m around but I really don’t think they are wearing it during night time etc.
So what I did is to gather a lot of pictures from the internet on accidents that happened to people who did not wear their safety helmet. There are pictures of dead people with their head slice into two, iron rod penetrating the skull etc. Seriously, they are the kind of pictures you wouldn’t want to show your children or you will have to pay for their therapy for years.
Immediately after I show these pictures, almost everyone wear the safety helmet (day and night). I’m really hoping that the pictures can stir the fear inside the workers. It worked! Problem solved!
- I wonder -

11 Missing Steps Of Problem Solving You Probably Don’t Know

Summary – 11 simple steps to solve problem eficiently
What’s life without some challenge right? The truth is we are bound to encounter some bump in our life, some problem to be solved. We are doing it all the time, most of the time problem solving will come naturally just like breathing air. We just see a problem, we know exactly how to approach it.
Allow me to add some additional steps on how to solve problem. A few steps that I think equally important but often forgotten..
1) Smile. The first thing you need to do is to smile. Seriously when you smile at a problem. Any problem will look easier to solve. Trust me on this.
2) Is it really a problem? Ask this question first before you attempt to solve it. Sometimes it may look like a problem, giving you stress like a problem but it really is not. An example is when you want to get a slimmer body. Before you rush to buy a diet pills, check your BMI first. You may end up knowing that you are actually at your most optimum weight.
3) Define your problem, then redefine it one more time. Most of the time the problem is not that you have an insomnia, it’s the sound of that drop of water in your bathroom.
4) Consider Do-Nothing approach. Some problem is better left unsolved. An example would be going to work when it’s raining heavily, (you have no car or a rain coat).. the best approach is just to do nothing and wait for the rain to stop.
5) Occum’s Razor Principle. The principle basically says that when all the condition remain constant, the simplest solution tend to be the best ones. Simply explained, most of the time, the solution to a problem is actually simple. You want to be rich, more saving less spending.
6) Google. By google, I’m not saying we should search online. It can very well be offline. Human has been around for thousands of years. I truly believe any problem in the world at any moment has happened before and thus the solution is already there. We just need to know how to look for it.
7) One step backward. Usually a problem will comes with stress. The longer it takes to solve a problem, the more stressful it will become. Whenever you are feeling more stressful with the problem, stop right there. Take one step backward. Leave your thinking cap behind.
Yes, some mind work more efficiently with pressure, some doesn’t. If you are in the latter group, taking that calming step backward (literally) and observe the problem in a different way. Just like a person hiding behind a rock, When you move he move. There’s no way you can see him unless you look from a helicopter.
8] Sleep on it. For those who might not be familiar, when we sleep, our subconscious mind will work on all our problems. And that is why, problems usually don’t feel that critical in the early morning as compared to last night. The idea is to present the problem in our head. Not to think the solution of the problem before you sleep. This will only cause you to have difficulty sleeping.
9) Cryogenic the problem. In sci-fi movie, people often undergo cryogenic procedure when they have incurable disease, and they are hoping that in the future, the medical technology will be so advance that that disease will be curable. If that problem is not urgent, why not keep it unsolved for a while. Who knows, in time we will be better equipped to solve it.
10) Some problems are not meant to be solved. Do you know that there are millions of black hole in the galaxy. If one comes as close to earth as the sun from the earth, we will be sucked into the black hole. You can worry all your life about this, but why? We can’t solve this problem, so just leave it be.
11) Solution equals bigger problem? So you have found a solution. Now think again, what will this solution affect. If the solution will pose another greater problem, isn’t it better to just live with the smaller problem instead?
/end list
- I wonder -
Any other ideas on how to solve problems?

The 3 Words That Will Solve 99% of Your Problems

Problems as many of you may have realized, are always complicated. There will usually be a lot of factors to solve it and this can be very overwhelming sometimes. Believe it or not, most problems can really be solved by just going Back To Basic (BTB).

Example of a Problem

Let me give you a complex problem as an example. Let say David had just been promoted to a managerial level. With the promotion, the company (like what most companies do) had squeeze everything from the poor guy. He was put in charge of hundreds of project. And he was pushed for result almost hourly. In short, he was under tremendous pressure and stress and it is starting to affect his health and his relationship with his family.

The Solution

There are many ways to approach a problem. This had been discussed a lot of time and if you are interested, I list here a few articles previously written on the subject.
However, to solve the problem using the “Back To Basic” approach, you must really sit down and analyze the basic elements of your problem. In our example, the problem is definitely the stress. David’s health condition and the relationship will not be affected if there is no stress to begin with.
Then David will see that the stress actually originate from his superior. Both the hundreds of projects and the company are not causing him stress. It is really the superior that giving him pressure.
Bear with me as I elaborate the steps of the “Back To Basic” method.
Now that we know the superior is the one causing him stress, the next step that David should do is to know what the superior actually want from him. What was it that if given, the superior will stop all the pressure. The answer is simple – Result.
Of course, the next logical step is really to determine how to get the result but let’s just stop right here.

Why Do We Need BTB

The second time I read this article, I’ve had that Duh feeling. Of course good result will eliminate the stress. Anyone can identify this immediately.
But believe me, there are so many people out there actually solve the problem wrongly. They start by solving the relationship problem first. While the stress is still accumulating, they are pinpointing the problem to the company, and may approach the problem by quitting the company. This is also the wrong solution to the problem as David will continue to receive stress from other company he will be employed.

Is BTB Just A Fancy Name For Problem Definition?

“Redefining problem” step identifies problem. “Back to Basic” step is actually providing the answer. Let me list down 5 of the most common problems to elaborate the difference.
1) How a company can make more profit?
BTB solution – More sales and less expenditure.
2) How to have an effective time management?
BTB solution – stop wasting time.
3) How to be loved by everyone?
BTB solution – Be nice.
4) How to lose 20kg?
BTB solution – Exercise and eat right.
5) How to wake up early?
BTB solution – sleep early and alarm clock.
- I wonder -
Any other question and the BTB solution that comes to your mind? Please share.
——– Personal Note ———
Actually I have quite the same problem with David. For those who may notice, it has been awhile since my last update. For your information, I was promoted and transfered to Sabah one year ago. For the past one year, I had to put more focus on my career to catch up and deliver result. As a result, the blog had taken the damage. I have no intention of quitting that I can assure you.

To all my friends still visiting, thank you. You are really the reason I’m still here.

9 Tips in Life that Lead to Happiness

Are you truly happy? Do you even know what it means to be happy and what it takes to achieve happiness? These are important questions for anyone who is seeking happiness to ask themselves. I live my life to maintain my own happiness while trying my best to not cause unhappiness to anyone else. If you want to be happy you need to understand that you can be happy and that you should be happy. Many people make the mistake of believing that they don’t deserve happiness and accept their unhappy state as their destiny. The truth of the matter is that happiness, like anything else in life, needs to be nurtured. The following are a few tips that I follow to create happiness in my life.

  1. Understand what it is that will make you happy. Everyone has unique requirements for attaining happiness and what makes one person happy may be very different from what makes someone else happy. Revel in your individuality and do not worry about whether or not your desires are comparable to those of your peers
  2. Make a plan for attaining goals that you believe will make you happy. Your mood will very likely increase as your pursue your goal because you will feel better about yourself for going after something you value.
  3. Surround yourself with happy people. It is easy to begin to think negatively when you are surrounded by people who think that way. Conversely, if you are around people who are happy their emotional state will be infectious.
  4. When something goes wrong try to figure out a solution instead of wallowing in self pity. Truly happy people don’t allow set backs to affect their mood because they know that with a little thought they can turn the circumstances back to their favor.
  5. Spend a few minutes each day thinking about the things that make you happy. These few minutes will give you the opportunity to focus on the positive things in your life and will lead you to continued happiness.
  6. It’s also important to take some time each day to do something nice for yourself. Whether you treat yourself to lunch, take a long, relaxing bath or simply spend a few extra minutes on your appearance you will be subconsciously putting yourself in a better mood.
  7. Finding the humor in situations can also lead to happiness. While there are times that require you to be serious, when it is appropriate, find a way to make light of a situation that would otherwise make you unhappy.
  8. Maintaining your health is another way to achieve happiness. Being overweight or not eating nutritious foods can have a negative effect on your mood. Additionally, exercise has been known to release endorphins that give you a feeling of happiness.
  9. Finally, it is important to understand that you deserve happiness. Those who believe that they are not worthy of happiness may subconsciously sabotage their efforts to achieve happiness. If necessary, tell yourself each day that you deserve to be happy and remind yourself what steps you will take to achieve the happiness you desire.
Happiness is hard to define but most people are aware of whether they are happy or not. Many people believe that happiness is a form of luck and that some people are destined to be happy while others are destined to be unhappy. I try to incorporate the tips above into my life and have had great success in achieving happiness. The tips in this article are small but meaningful steps that you can take each day to lead you to true happiness.

How to Discover Your Life Purpose in About 20 Minutes

How do you discover your real purpose in life? I’m not talking about your job, your daily responsibilities, or even your long-term goals. I mean the real reason why you’re here at all — the very reason you exist.
Perhaps you’re a rather nihilistic person who doesn’t believe you have a purpose and that life has no meaning. Doesn’t matter. Not believing that you have a purpose won’t prevent you from discovering it, just as a lack of belief in gravity won’t prevent you from tripping. All that a lack of belief will do is make it take longer, so if you’re one of those people, just change the number 20 in the title of this blog entry to 40 (or 60 if you’re really stubborn). Most likely though if you don’t believe you have a purpose, then you probably won’t believe what I’m saying anyway, but even so, what’s the risk of investing an hour just in case?
Here’s a story about Bruce Lee which sets the stage for this little exercise. A master martial artist asked Bruce to teach him everything Bruce knew about martial arts. Bruce held up two cups, both filled with liquid. “The first cup,” said Bruce, “represents all of your knowledge about martial arts. The second cup represents all of my knowledge about martial arts. If you want to fill your cup with my knowledge, you must first empty your cup of your knowledge.”
If you want to discover your true purpose in life, you must first empty your mind of all the false purposes you’ve been taught (including the idea that you may have no purpose at all).
So how to discover your purpose in life? While there are many ways to do this, some of them fairly involved, here is one of the simplest that anyone can do. The more open you are to this process, and the more you expect it to work, the faster it will work for you. But not being open to it or having doubts about it or thinking it’s an entirely idiotic and meaningless waste of time won’t prevent it from working as long as you stick with it — again, it will just take longer to converge.
Here’s what to do:
  1. Take out a blank sheet of paper or open up a word processor where you can type (I prefer the latter because it’s faster).
  2. Write at the top, “What is my true purpose in life?”
  3. Write an answer (any answer) that pops into your head. It doesn’t have to be a complete sentence. A short phrase is fine.
  4. Repeat step 3 until you write the answer that makes you cry. This is your purpose.
That’s it. It doesn’t matter if you’re a counselor or an engineer or a bodybuilder. To some people this exercise will make perfect sense. To others it will seem utterly stupid. Usually it takes 15-20 minutes to clear your head of all the clutter and the social conditioning about what you think your purpose in life is. The false answers will come from your mind and your memories. But when the true answer finally arrives, it will feel like it’s coming to you from a different source entirely.
For those who are very entrenched in low-awareness living, it will take a lot longer to get all the false answers out, possibly more than an hour. But if you persist, after 100 or 200 or maybe even 500 answers, you’ll be struck by the answer that causes you to surge with emotion, the answer that breaks you. If you’ve never done this, it may very well sound silly to you. So let it seem silly, and do it anyway.
As you go through this process, some of your answers will be very similar. You may even re-list previous answers. Then you might head off on a new tangent and generate 10-20 more answers along some other theme. And that’s fine. You can list whatever answer pops into your head as long as you just keep writing.
At some point during the process (typically after about 50-100 answers), you may want to quit and just can’t see it converging. You may feel the urge to get up and make an excuse to do something else. That’s normal. Push past this resistance, and just keep writing. The feeling of resistance will eventually pass.
You may also discover a few answers that seem to give you a mini-surge of emotion, but they don’t quite make you cry — they’re just a bit off. Highlight those answers as you go along, so you can come back to them to generate new permutations. Each reflects a piece of your purpose, but individually they aren’t complete. When you start getting these kinds of answers, it just means you’re getting warm. Keep going.
It’s important to do this alone and with no interruptions. If you’re a nihilist, then feel free to start with the answer, “I don’t have a purpose,” or “Life is meaningless,” and take it from there. If you keep at it, you’ll still eventually converge.
When I did this exercise, it took me about 25 minutes, and I reached my final answer at step 106. Partial pieces of the answer (mini-surges) appeared at steps 17, 39, and 53, and then the bulk of it fell into place and was refined through steps 100-106. I felt the feeling of resistance (wanting to get up and do something else, expecting the process to fail, feeling very impatient and even irritated) around steps 55-60. At step 80 I took a 2-minute break to close my eyes, relax, clear my mind, and to focus on the intention for the answer to come to me — this was helpful as the answers I received after this break began to have greater clarity.
Here was my final answer: to live consciously and courageously, to resonate with love and compassion, to awaken the great spirits within others, and to leave this world in peace.
When you find your own unique answer to the question of why you’re here, you will feel it resonate with you deeply. The words will seem to have a special energy to you, and you will feel that energy whenever you read them.
Discovering your purpose is the easy part. The hard part is keeping it with you on a daily basis and working on yourself to the point where you become that purpose.
If you’re inclined to ask why this little process works, just put that question aside until after you’ve successfully completed it. Once you’ve done that, you’ll probably have your own answer to why it works. Most likely if you ask 10 different people why this works (people who’ve successfully completed it), you’ll get 10 different answers, all filtered through their individual belief systems, and each will contain its own reflection of truth.
Obviously, this process won’t work if you quit before convergence. I’d guesstimate that 80-90% of people should achieve convergence in less than an hour. If you’re really entrenched in your beliefs and resistant to the process, maybe it will take you 5 sessions and 3 hours, but I suspect that such people will simply quit early (like within the first 15 minutes) or won’t even attempt it at all. But if you’re drawn to read this blog (and haven’t been inclined to ban it from your life yet), then it’s doubtful you fall into this group.
Give it a shot! At the very least, you’ll learn one of two things: your true purpose in life -or- that you should unsubscribe from this blog. ;)

The UK Winter Tyre Market Debate Continues

The industry has been debating the possibility of a substantial UK winter tyre market for years. The technical benefits and commercial advantages are well documented. If consumers are fully aware of the reasons why they should fit winter tyres - then why don't they? At a time when winter tyre sales should begin to take off, Tyres & Accessories compares the success of some existing markets, to determine what the UK winter tyre industry is lacking. But more importantly asks market representatives what they predict for the future of the UK winter tyre segment.
Winter tyres are a mere three percent of the UK's total tyre market. This poor statistic compares with 10 per cent in the Netherlands, and 50 per cent in Germany. However, both countries began with a similar market share as the UK. The Netherlands' winter tyre market rose from three per cent in the late 90s, to its current 10 per cent, while Germany's market share has climbed to almost 50 per cent in the last 10 years. How is it that countries which share similar winter conditions to the UK, have achieved such a comparatively strong hold in the winter tyre market? And can the UK look to them as a working model?

Winter tyres – a good idea for the safety of better grip
Tyre Sipes & Siping

The Dutch success story

The Netherlands' winter tyre market is a wellknown success story. A small, relatively flat country, similar to the UK, Holland does not experience bad winters; however, for the five month period, from November to March, winter tyres are in higher demand. As previously discussed by T&A the development in the Dutch market was due to a number of key factors, essentially the cooperation of a medium sized leasing company, a manufacturer and a retailer; the latter two, namely Vredestein and Euromaster.
Vredestein UK's managing director, Bert Stellinga explained that in 1995, winter tyres accounted for a mere 0.5 per cent of Dutch tyre sales. By 2002, after the success of the marketing campaign this figure had risen to seven per cent, which equated to 1.75 million tyres. And today, the market shows little sign of decreasing, having, according to Mr Stellinga, risen to somewhere between 10-12 per cent.
This success was not solely down to the combined efforts of the three companies. The campaign received massive support from the Dutch government, in the form of a national tyre awareness scheme. The initiative explored the tyre safety issues, for example showing the affect low tyre pressure has on fuel consumption. This worked to educate motorists and provide the significant message that winter.
Tyres contribute to safe winter driving, as opposed to being yet another opportunity for the industry to sell more tyres.
Vredestein's research shows that for the same five months of the year, the UK would benefit from winter tyres, in terms of road safety. In addition, there are clear statistics that show the temperature in the UK falls below 7°C for at least three months, and that the number of accidents rapidly increases in winter months. (See text box) Although a need has been identified, the use of winter tyres in the UK is still unheard of, and in most cases, when the subject is mentioned, it is met with laughter.
The Dutch manufacturer claims that at present it has a "considerable" share of the UK winter tyre market. Without a doubt the company has done some key marketing campaigns to achieve this share. Its efforts have been successful in rural parts of England, however the company admits that southern England is a different story. The hardest market to penetrate, its motorists rarely suffer from the effects of what they would describe 'winter conditions.' Despite the small size of the market, Vredestein has still witnessed a change in demand. The UK winter tyre market is following a similar pattern to the rest of Europe, moving more to high performance tyres, and an increasing number of 17, 18 and 19 inch tyres. But even with this dramatic change, the UK winter tyre market hasonly felt a marginal effect, as it's so small.
So, with its wealth of experience in the market, what does Vredestein believe needs to be done to change the current situation? Mr Stellinga believes that it is primarily a matter of drawing the industry's attention to the winter tyre campaign, and involving the UK tyre trade to a higher degree. The MD explains that the industry needs to be more proactive in raising the awareness of winter tyres, and marketing them as a necessity. Mr Stellinga admits how crucial the television advertising was to the 'snowball' effect of the Dutch campaign and suggests this as a way forward for the UK. Again, the 'catch 22' situation is in trying to get the TV programmes interested in covering tyre subjects, while tyre awareness is at such a low level this is a difficult task.
He also underlines the need to approach the campaign from the distributors' and dealers' point of view, focusing on the benefits for the tyre fitter. He comments: "There are a lot of advantages to the tyre fitter by just getting the customer through the door." The increase in business opportunities to all companies involved is so obvious that it could not have been overlooked so what is holding them back? Perhaps a widely held belief that a winter tyre market will never be established, because the public won't accept the suggestion that they should invest in another set of tyres? Surely this depends on the way in which the case is presented to them, after all, the British public has been persuaded to change their views on many a subject.
How does he view the future of the UK winter tyre market? "We are always looking at ways of increasing the winter tyre market, and we are especially looking at ways to do this in the UK, but its more time consuming than it was in the Netherlands." Mr Stellinga added. The company believes there is enormous potential in the UK, but it needs to figure out the best way to tap into this. He continued: "If we can join forces with other manufacturers and retailers we can deliver something through the whole distribution channel, and if we can achieve this together with the government we can see a very prosperous future, however, this needs to be carried out by a lot of people." For all its efforts Vredestein cannot promote the winter tyre market to the UK on its own. Undoubtedly it needs allies from distributors, manufacturers and trade associations.

Germany, way ahead of the rest

Perhaps it is time that the government became more involved in a national winter tyre safety campaign. Tyre safety initiatives appear to be dominant factors in all of the successful winter tyre markets. Take the German winter tyre market; it is the biggest in Europe, and arguably in the world. In most parts of the country winter tyres are considered essential. As a national average, 43 per cent of all vehicles are fitted with winter tyres annually. And the driving force behind this, Deutscher Verkehrssicherheitsrat (the German Road Safety Council). Its objective is to ensure greater safety on the country's roads and to reduce the number of road traffic accidents attributable to the weather. The campaign focuses on presenting the advantagesobtained from fitting winter tyres in 'good' time. The winter tyres scheme is intended to make car drivers more safety conscious and is open to all companies, organizations and associations whose directors or members consider they have a duty to meet this objective. Put simply, the nationwide initiative asserts that the method of achieving greater road safety in winter depends primarily on the use of winter tyres. The German campaigners are certainly proactive in ensuring consumers receive their message. The pro-winter scheme is a dominant feature of many national trade exhibitions, for example the Essen Motor Show and Automechanika, where it interacts with consumers to raise awareness. The initiative also maintains an effective press operation throughout the winter season. At the beginning of each season it uses the Kickoff campaign to promote the reasons to fit winter tyres, throughout the national media. In 2003 the council took its work directly to the German public when it began a series of roadside checks in the hilly German region of Harz. The scheme, held in conjunction with Continental, raised motorists' awareness concerning the hazards of driving in severe conditions with summer tyres.
Admittedly the success of the German winter tyre segment is not all down to the campaign. The country does experience more snow/icy conditions than the UK. However, the German Road Safety Council states that although winter tyres were at first predominantly fitted in southern Germany, (where more snow is seen) nowadays it extends to "every region where impaired driving conditions compel the changeover."

Bradford Long Term Weather Averages


Source: Meteorological Office, Leeds (Tyres & Accessories 8/2004)
The combination of the pro-winter tyres campaign and the tireless marketing efforts of German car manufacturers had the most powerful impact on consumers. To create a wider appeal for their products manufacturers moved away from the association of winter tyres with snow and marketed them as below 7°C 'cold' winter tyres. Insurance companies have also been a contributing factor to the success of the winter tyre campaign in Germany, some companies offer a lower rate if the motorist uses winter tyres The legal system has also shifted towards the support of winter tyres. New questions concerning liability have been raised - drivers who do not use winter tyres and are involved in accidents during the winter season can be found responsible for the incident. So far the country has witnessed one prosecution for not fitting winter tyres, consequently this gives manufacturers more leverage when selling the tyres. In addition to these aspects, the value of cars in Germany has risen, and alongside this, and in an effort to protect their vehicles so has consumer's demands for winter tyres. It may be a long time until the UK would adopt such techniques, but there is definitely some value in these methods.
The German winter tyre market is now so well developed that statistics show winter tyre sales of 19.4 million, in 2003, an increase from 7.2 million in 1993. This figure compares favourably to the 45.7 million total European sales in 2003. European winter tyre market leaders, Pirelli and Continental agree that there has been dramatic change in winter tyre demand trends. The focus is now high performance, Pirelli claims a 38 per cent increase per year in demand for 17, 18 and 19 inch tyres. The increase in demand for HP tyres has been particularly noticeable in V rated tyres. Although the actual volumes are still comparatively small with H and T ratings, according to Pirelli, demand for V rated tyres has increased by 12 times in the last four years.
Although these statistics are desirable, it is unlikely that the UK segment will ever reach a similar level of sales as the German market, simply because they do have harsher winter conditions. But this is no reason not to try. It is always worth remembering that in both the Dutch and German markets, the changes did not happen over night.

Too close for comfort

Closer to home, Scotland's winter tyre market provides another interesting example for comparison. Statistics concerning the Scottish winter tyre market seem to be few and far between. Although the exact figure is unknown, Crawford Meighan from Inverness based Birkenshaw Distributors Ltd, asserts that the Scottish Market is definitely greater than in England. He estimates that in the north alone, which is only five per cent of the country's total population, approximately10 per cent of people (25,000) use winter tyres. This is an encouraging statistic for such a small area; especially considering the majority of the UK denies the need for winter tyres.
As with Holland and Germany, the Scottish winter tyre market also benefits from an annual winter tyre safety campaign. Tyre Safety Week, the oldest national campaign of its kind, is a big deal in Scotland. However, critics believe the campaign is on the decline, due to a decrease in police presence. In contrast, the TIC, official organiser of the scheme, claims that the 2003 campaign was more successful than it had been in recent years; with more media coverage, enhanced industry and trade support.
The safety week offers companies such as Vredestein and Tyre fair the chance to actively promote winter tyres, by offering a free service to check tyres, and consequently make recommendations. Mr Stellinga adds: "this has a very positive effect on our winter tyre business, sales always increase as a result of the campaign." Tyre clinics are held on neutral ground, so customers don't feel they are forced to buy new tyres. The campaign not only benefits winter tyre sales, but also has a massive impact on the awareness of tyre safety, which is becoming increasingly important as more people take their new cars for granted. So if it is simply a case of the manufacturer and dealer working together to raise awareness, identifying opportunities, and make an impact on the market - then surely there is a realistic possibility that the UK might follow suit?
Again, this success of the Scottish winter tyre market isn't down to significant weather differences. The focus is again on the way in which it is marketed, and that the importance is put on safety. As a result of its annual tyre safety campaigns more customers view winter tyres as a necessity, and according to Martin Rowlands, director of Kinross based Tyre fair, the tyres are viewed as an investment. Renowned for his tyre 'hotel' Mr Rowlands is one of the few businessmen that have captured a niche market in the winter tyre industry. He explains that last year; Tyre fair had its best year to date in winter tyres. More significantly he puts this down to the promotion of the winter tyre safety campaign and overall, the information conveyed.
Mr Rowlands explains that businesses are currently only targeting a fifth of the Scottish market with rural customers. At present the Scottish winter tyre market xists among the 1 million people that populate rural parts of the country. In these areas winter tyres are a must, even in heavy rain. There is a stronger recognition of the need to be able to travel safely in winter conditions, a need that not only comes from rural dwellers but, nurses, doctors and vets, for whom continuous mobility is vital. Whilst he sees room for improvement and the opportunity to target the remaining Scottish market, Mr Meighan disagrees. The northern Scottish businessman explains that he has seen a decline in the amount of winter tyre sales, due to weather conditions becoming milder. If this is truly the case then it casts new doubt over the possibility of a successful winter tyre market in the UK.

% Total UK car accidents caused by skidding

Source DOT 2003 (Tyres & Accessories 8/2004)
Asked if there is a need for winter tyres in the UK, Mr Rowlands laughs as he remembers how last year a few inches of snowfall brought London to a standstill. In is view, drivers weren't prepared and their smooth, well-worn tyres were hazardous in winter conditions. In light of his reaction what does he suggest to encourage the UK's winter tyre market to follow the same direction as Scotland's? Like Mr Stellinga his emphasis is put on teamwork, and suggests it is a matter of the industry working together to achieve its aim. He also believes that manufacturers can begin affecting change by offering incentives such as sale or return to promote the sale of winter tyres to distributors. He concludes: "Customers recognise that the advantage of using winter tyres can be as small as driving up a driveway, 10 years ago; ice studs would have been used to aid this." This, he claims, proves that the industry has come far, and further still, suggests it will continue of develop.

What is the UK lacking?

Market representatives appear to be united in their belief that there is the possibility of a thriving UK winter tyre market. The problem is they do not, as yet, share a united approach to achieving their goals. One look at the successful markets of both Holland and Germany proves that when the industry works together to achieve a common goal, then the results in raising awareness and providing the right information can be impressive. To further its 'united front' the industry needs more substantial support from the government, in the form of a national winter tyre safety campaign that would work towards promoting winter tyres.
Whatever your stance on winter tyres, research shows there is a prominent need to replace summer tyres in November, to something more suitable. As the statistics show (see text boxes) winter weather has adverse effects on driving, regardless of the level of snowfall. Accident rates are significantly higher during the winter season and the use of summer tyres means that braking distances are longer.
As always, the debate comes back to changing consumers' perception of winter tyres. Whilst they are associated with snow and ice conditions the market stands little chance of change and demand will remain low. This perception needs updating; perhaps the industry would be better promoting a cold weather tyre rather than a winter tyre. A cold, or 'inclement' weather tyre, would better serve the needs of the British motoring public by providing the advantages of a winter tyre, but more tailored towards the exact needs of the UK winter market; cold damp roads as opposed to snowy, icy roads. Employing winter tyre technology such as a higher proportion of natural rubber, combined with silica technology would allow the tyre to minimize the effects caused as temperatures fall below 7°C. This, in turn would result in higher grip levels on cold roads. Advances with siping and tread pattern design also allow the tyre to offer a higher level of road safety on cold and damp road surfaces.
The industry needs to determine and address the exact needs of the UK winter tyre market. If their demands surround a cold weather tyre then the industry must abandon its attempt to push existing winter tyres and move towards developing a more suitable option. With doubt cast on the future of Scotland's winter tyre market, it is time for those that want it to happen, to make it happen before the pessimists influence the entire industry and interest is lost completely. Whichever way you look at it a demand has to be created, and quickly. And if old dogs can't be taught new tricks, perhaps it is time to tackle the up and coming generation of drivers, with a more suitable proposition.

Clearing snow and ice from pavements yourself

There's no law stopping you from clearing snow and ice on the pavement outside your home or from public spaces. It's unlikely you'll be sued or held legally responsible for any injuries on the path if you have cleared it carefully. Follow the snow code when clearing snow and ice safely.

The snow code - tips on clearing snow and ice from pavements or public spaces

Prevent slips

Pay extra attention to clear snow and ice from steps and steep pathways - you might need to use more salt on these areas.
If you clear snow and ice yourself, be careful - don’t make the pathways more dangerous by causing them to refreeze. But don’t be put off clearing paths because you’re afraid someone will get injured.
Remember, people walking on snow and ice have responsibility to be careful themselves. Follow the advice below to make sure you clear the pathway safely and effectively.

Clear the snow or ice early in the day

It’s easier to move fresh, loose snow rather than hard snow that has packed together from people walking on it. So if possible, start removing the snow and ice in the morning. If you remove the top layer of snow in the morning, any sunshine during the day will help melt any ice beneath. You can then cover the path with salt before nightfall to stop it refreezing overnight.

Use salt or sand - not water

If you use water to melt the snow, it may refreeze and turn to black ice. Black ice increases the risk of injuries as it is invisible and very slippery. You can prevent black ice by spreading some salt on the area you have cleared. You can use ordinary table or dishwasher salt - a tablespoon for each square metre you clear should work. Don’t use the salt found in salting bins - this will be needed to keep the roads clear.
Be careful not to spread salt on plants or grass as it may cause them damage.
If you don’t have enough salt, you can also use sand or ash. These won’t stop the path icing over as well as salt, but will provide good grip under foot.

Take care where you move the snow

When you’re shovelling snow, take care where you put it so it doesn’t block people’s paths or drains. Make sure you make a path down the middle of the area to be cleared first, so you have a clear surface to walk on. Then shovel the snow from the centre of the path to the sides.

Offer to clear your neighbours’ paths

If your neighbour will have difficulty getting in and out of their home, offer to clear snow and ice around their property as well. Check that any elderly or disabled neighbours are alright in the cold weather. If you’re worried about them, contact your local council.

Posting a video from Vimeo to

This is not a kind of topic I would normally write about, but Andre felt that since we couldn't really find any help on how to post my video from vimeo to my blog without using the blog "Add Video" button, I might help someone else by explaining how we did it.

In the end it was quite simple really. It just took us a while to figure out what to do since Andre did it differently posting to his wordpress blog.

Ok, so open your video in Vimeo (where we store our videos, like YouTube, but I like Vimeo  better). Then in the top right hand corner of your video it says Share and then below that Embed. Click on Embed, highlight the whole code and paste that into your blog.

There you go! Easy as pie! :-)

Snow In United Kingdom

Garden experts have predicted an explosion of colour because the blanket of snow has cooled the bulbs of daffodils, crocuses and snowdrops and delayed their blooms.
For the last decade, spring flowers have come up early and over a relatively long period, meaning the impact of the traditional spring bloom has been barely noticeable.
Garden pests like aphids and white fly, that have managed to survive the milder winters of the last few years, are also expected to have been killed off in greater numbers.
Native plants like deciduous trees and perennial bulbs, that are adapted to cope with the British winter, will do well and even make a comeback after years of unusually warm weather.
However exotic plants and flowers, that gardeners have got used to leaving outside over the winter, will suffer and planting of seeds will have to be delayed until the weather is more clement.

Here are a few pictures of the United Kingdom  snow.

United Kingdom - Flowers

Gardening links for flowers.  Sites for advice on flowers in your garden and suppliers of flower related items.             <------------------------>

Specific page on UltraWeb4You


General information:
  • Annuals - A guide to annual plants - including guides to selecting flowers for shade and moist sites, containers, flowers for fragrants, drying and much more.
  • Biennial Plants are plants that require two growing seasons to fill their life cycle. The first season from seed, they will make leaf growth; they will then overwinter and flower in the following year then die.
  • Bulbs including corms and rhizomes - suggestions for planting and looking after bulbs, corms and rhizomes.
  • Bulbs from Seed how to grow bulbous plants from seed.
  • Bulbs in Pots advice for bulbs such as dwarf Narcissi, Iris, and Crocus
  • Chrysanthemums in Aberdeen - bringing chrysanthemums to life - (
  • The Cyclamen Society
  • Daisy Paradise Here you can find everything about Daisies. The information is accompanied by some colourful photographs - (
  • In The Potting Shed This British site is dedicated to growing plants from seed. - (
  • Osteospermums Explore this site and learn more about the propagation, botany and plant care of this beautiful plant. There are more than 200 photographs for you to enjoy. - (
  • Owl's Acre Sweet Peas - Well illustrated specialist sweet pea site with information on sweet pea cultivation, pests, diseases, history and much more. Wide selection of sweet pea seed for sale.
  • Paul's Garden World Site includes a large, informative section on growing perennials, biennials, climbers, wild flowers, annuals, bulbs and other flowers.
  • Perennials are non-woody plants that live for two or more years. Most are herbaceous, dying back in autumn to ground level or to a woody base, and sending up new growth in spring. A few are evergreens so are a valuable presence in the garden over the winter period. While most perennials flower during the summer months, there are a few that flower in the spring and a few that flower in the autumn.
  • Postcode Plants Database generates lists of native plants and wildlife for any specified postal district in the UK. - ( - The Natural History Museum)
  • Rhododendrons and azaleas - Questions and Answers - Seasonal tips and FAQs on growing rhododendrons and azaleas from trade-only specialist nursery - (
  • Rose Cottage Plants - Specialists in a wide range of bulbs and hardy perennials. The plants are a mix of cottage garden favourites and a wide variety of more unusual types - all a pleasure to have in your garden. Currently there are over 400 different bulbs and plants in their catalogue. (
  • Sweet Peas - The sweet pea and Lathyrus species information site. (
  • Wildflowerlinks The aim of the Wildflowerlinks directory is to make it easy for you to discover relevant UK wildflower related sites. - (
  • Wild Flowers Some native wild flowers, looked upon in scorn by some gardeners, can, when planted in a border, become very attractive indeed. In fact, what is a wild flower or even a weed in some countries, is a desirable plant in others. The fertile conditions enable them to become much bigger plants and bear more flowers than they do in the wild


  • - New varieties of high quality Begonia and Primula varieties available in a range of patio containers from a selection of garden centres across the UK.
  • Iris of Sissinghurst - Offer tall & short bearded, sibiricas, ensatas & many others for all situations by Mail Order.
  • Judy's Snowdrops - When available, collector's snowdrops sold 'in the green' (February/March) and as dormant bulbs (July/August), by mail order. (
  • Owl's Acre Sweet Peas - Well illustrated specialist sweet pea site with information on sweet pea cultivation, pests, diseases, history and much more. Wide selection of sweet pea seed for sale.
  • Plantworld Seeds - Seeds of choice, rare and unusual hardy perennials and ornamental grasses delivered worldwide. RHS medal winners.

                Images of United Kingdom Flowers

Chelsea Buns Recipe

For those who liked the picture I posted previously of the chelsea buns I made, here's how to make your own!
We used our bread maker to prepare the dough, but I'm sure with a bit of mixing and kneading you can do it without a bread maker too. I just love not having to get my hands sticky!!
Setting on bread maker: 'Basic' - 'Dough' (2hr 20min)
Enriched dough recipe: (This is what will go in the bread maker or what you will mix together yourself.)
  • 1/2 tsp yeast
  • 250 g strong white flour
  • 1 tsp sugar
  • 25 g butter
  • 1 tbsp milk powder
  • 1/2 tsp salt
  • 1 medium egg
  • 100 ml water
  • Additional ingredients:
  • 15 g butter
  • 100 g mixed dried fruit (I used only raisins)
  • 50 g soft brown sugar
  • 1 tsp mixed spice (I didn't have, but later thought I could have just added some cinnamon.)

Once the dough comes out of the bread maker:
1. Knead the dough lightly and roll out to an oblong 26cm x 20cm.
2. Mix together the mixed dried fruit, soft brown sugar and mixed spice. Brush the dough with melted butter and spread the fruit mixture on top. Roll up from the long edge and cut into 8 - 10 slices. Arrange on a greased baking tray and allow to prove at 40C until doubled in size (approx. 20 min).
3. Bake in preheated oven at 220C for 7 - 15 min or until golden brown.
Allow to cool. Drizzle with glace icing.

For the icing I just mixed some powdered sugar with water. I don't know what the difference would be to using icing sugar and water or what exactly glace icing is supposed to be! Powdered sugar was all I had here so that's what I tried and it was perfect.
                         Now Enjoy!

Is your blog nominated for Pakistan’s First Annual Blog Awards?

Google Pakistan and CIO Pakistan have been promoting blogging for the last couple of years by arranging bloggers meetups and tweetups  in order to create blogging awareness. Once again, they are taking Pakistani blogging community to the next level as they have teamed up to organize Pakistan’s first Annual Blog Awards.
The main objective of organizing this annual convention is to recognize and platformize one of the fastest growing online mediums in Pakistan i.e. Blogging.  Another purpose of creating such event is to improve the online image of Pakistan because blogging has empowered everyone of us to shout out loud and get our voices heard internationally.

If you are a blogger, you must submit your blog for the nomination according to your blog’s category. This might be a turning point in your blogging career because this is an opportunity to showcase your blog to Pakistani blogging community which will increase the traffic, exposure and interaction with other bloggers.
The best part about this Blog Award that it has a lot of categories so you’ll have a better chance to nominate your blog according to your specific category. Here is a list of categories : -
                     General Categories
  • Best Blog
  • Best Individual Blogger
  • Most Influential Blogger
  • Best Humor Blog
  • Best Online Community
  • Best Political Coverage
  • Best Celebrity Blogger
  • Most Active Blogger
  • Best Brand Blog
  • Best Political Blogger
  • Best Corporate News Blog
  • Topic Area Categories
  • Best Technology Blog – International Technologies
  • Best Technology Blog – Local Categories
  • Best Sports Blog
  • Best Business Blog
  • Best Education Blog
  • Best Science Blog
  • Best Healthcare Blog
  • Best Food Blog
  • Best Urdu Blogger
  • Arts & Letters Categories
  • Best Photo Blog
  • Best Culture Blog
  • Best Literature Blog
  • Best Fashion Blog
  • Best Travel Blog
  • Best Diarist
  • Best Gossip Blog
  • Best Music Blog
  • Best Podcast
  • Best Video Blog

UltraWeb4You is also nominated for Best Business Blog and we expect a lot of support from our readers to vote for us and we also like you to submit your blog and make this event a success. The first award ceremony is expected in February 2011, so hurry up before its too late.
Blogger is the most widely used blog network in the world because it provides the easiest blogging platform with integrated adsense monetizing option. It is even got better when they recently added Amazon Associates as another integrated monetizing option along with several other improvements in their content management interface.
It is certainly a very good news for all users of because now they can easily add another income stream of Amazon Associate by advertising Amazon’s affiliated products at their blogs and making handsome commissions on sales.
I had applied for Amazon Associates affiliate program and I got the approval too.  But, honestly speaking I was finding it difficult to select relevant product to display on my different blog which was quite time consuming and I just forget to add it while I was writing a blog post. I have just checked it right now I found no trouble whatsoever in integrating my Amazon Associate ID and finding a relevant products on couple of my blogs. Infact, I’ve searched the relevant product while I was writing and added into my blog post easily (added the Amazon’s product link to this blog as well  .
Blogger has been working to improve monetizing option by adding a “Monetize” tab in the Blogger content management system followed by   AdSense for Feeds in order to help their users generate revenue from the distribution of blog via RSS and Atom.
The third edition is the direct integration with Amazon Associates to search Amazon’s product catalog and add links to products that earn you commissions when your readers buy products you recommend.

With this feature, you can search Amazon directly from the Blogger editor and add pictures and links to Amazon products right into your posts. Your readers will earn you commissions whenever they buy the products you recommend, and if you don’t already have an Amazon Associates account, you can sign up for one for free without leaving Blogger.

If you’ve ever written a blog post about a book, recommended a gadget, or reviewed a toy you bought for your kids, you’ve likely gone through the process of drafting the post, opening up a separate window to go to find a site that sells the product, then going back to Blogger to paste the link to the product into the post editor.
Starting today, you can search the Amazon product catalog without leaving the Blogger interface and insert links to the products you find into your posts. Not only is the process of linking to products more efficient, but Amazon makes it easy for you to earn money whenever your readers actually buy the products you write about. This is known as an “affiliate program”, and it’s designed to let you recommend products you like to your audience — if they buy the product, you’ll earn a commission on that purchase.
To get started, click on the Monetize tab for your blog and click “Amazon Associates”. Walk through the setup wizard, and add the Product Finder once you’re done.

Now for the fun part: when you are writing a post on Blogger, you’ll see an Amazon gadget to the right of your post editor (the “Product Finder”). You can search the Amazon product catalog from within Blogger — type in the name of the product you are writing about, and insert a link to the product, an image of the product, or an iframe containing the image, price details and a “buy it now” button. Every link that’s created contains your unique Associates ID, ensuring that Amazon will credit you for any purchases that result from readers clicking the link on your blog.

If you’re an existing Amazon Associate, completing this setup simply makes the Product Finder available on Blogger for you — you continue to earn the same referral rate from Amazon. New Associates receive the same referral rate from Amazon that they would have received if they signed up directly. If you’re not interested in earning a referral, you can still install the Product Finder: from the “Amazon Associates” page under the Monetize tab, click “I’ll do this later — show me more Amazon options” and then click “Add the Product Finder” button.
A quick note about trust: affiliate programs work well when readers trust you. You should avoid promoting products simply because of the referral fee you might earn — readers may lose some of that trust if they sense your posts exist solely to make you money. You may also want to disclose to your readers that you will earn a commission on their purchase — some readers even prefer knowing that you benefit from their business.
There’s more information about this integration at, and the Amazon Associates blog has some more details. This integration is the result of months of collaboration between the engineers at both companies, and we’re very excited to share the results of this collaboration with you.
Source :
I am very much sure for those bloggers who want to make money from a Blogger blog this news is great because the shopping season is on and it can help you monetize your blog to its full potential.
It’s also an interesting news that two online giants – Google and Amazon – are teaming up to empower bloggers with more money making options.

Make $40,000 From Affiliate Marketing

You will hardly find an internet marketer or blogger in the world who is not aware of John Chow. He is one of the top online money making role models who is followed by a large number of people across the globe.
John Chow has a money making model which is quite different to traditional blogging. Recently, I came across a very informative video of John Chow for his presentation at the Vancouver Business, Marketing, & Entrepreneur meet up group.
He shared the blog business model in this video that he uses to make money online over $40,000 per month from blogging.
(Note: This video might take little longer to load if you are using slow internet connection. Please keep this post open while you browse other posts )

                                   Click Here To Watch Video

Summary of the Video
In this video, you can see that John Chow is not very much impressed with the traditional blogging business model. He mentioned following reasons why traditional bloggers don’t make enough money online?
1. They are bloggers but not the internet marketers
2. No Investment Required, Easy In, Easy Out
3. They are blogging for money only
4. They don’t treat it as a business

John Chow’s business model
1. Capture the leads
2. Build the relationship
3. Put them through the sales funnel
4. Add pay per click

You can find rest of the information in the video…

             (¯`•._.•{Hope You Like This Video}•._.•´¯)

Infolinks + Adsense: A profitable combination for your website or blog

It is a very common saying that “Don’t put all your eggs in one basket” and so is true for choosing online advertising networks. Every webmaster should try to maximize its online revenue either by adding new source to it or increase the income of existing source. Most of webmasters or bloggers use Google Adsense as their primary source of income besides affiliate revenue if any.
I was searching for some better ad network for my blogs which I can use along with Google adsense without affecting the adsense  CTR and income, and I found one in the shape of Infolinks. I have been using Infolinks Ads in my blog for more than two weeks  now. I must say it was a wise decision to join Infolinks ad network. I used some other networks as well like adbrite, bidvertiser etc but neither of them worked better than Infolinks.
I’ve been planning this Infolinks review eversince I joined but I was waiting to see the results. Although two weeks are not enough time to measure the actual results but so far I’ve been very satisfied with Infolinks and this review will hopefully help more bloggers and webmasters decide whether this advertising program is suitable for your online business or not.
The best part about Infolinks is that they don’t have any specific criteria to apply.  Comparatively it has good click through rates and also their script is super fast.
It is also important to note that their ads can be shown along with Google Adsense which means that you can get more money without sacrificing any Adsense Income.
What is Infolinks?
It’s a in-text advertising program which usually shows as a double-underlined link.
Here’s how it works (from their FAQ):
Using our dynamic proprietary algorithm, Infolinks intelligently scans your web pages and converts carefully selected keywords into cost-per-click (CPC) In-Text ads. These specially formatted double underline hyperlinks lead to highly relevant advertiser content.
And each time a visitor clicks on the ad, the publisher gets paid. The Infolinks advertising can also be used together with Google Adsense and Chitika on the same page.
The ads are totally customizable and you can test various combos to see what works for you.
You can change underlining (single or double underline), the color of the in-text links, the format of the ad that shows up when someone holds the cursor over the links, how many ads you want to show on each page and even where on page you want the ads to start appearing and where to stop appearing.
Infolinks by default shows 12 ads per page and if you use Adsense or Chitika too, then I suggest you lower the number of in-text links per page so that your pages don’t scare your visitors away with too many ads.
I also suggest, that when you sign up with Infolinks, let them run for a week or so and then email their support asking for better optimization. Their team will check the theme of your site and optimize the ads.
Earnings and Payments
Infolinks offers several convenient ways for publishers to receive payments. You can choose your preferred method:
PayPal, Bank Wire, ACH (Only for U.S. bank accounts) or Get your Infolinks Prepaid Mastercard® (Powered by Payoneer).
You can apply to get an Infolinks Prepaid Debit MasterCard® to load your earnings and use it anywhere MasterCard® is accepted. Choosing this payment form will link you to a new page to register for your card. Once a cardholder, you can manage your account by simply logging onto the Payoneer website.
Payment is sent 45 days after the earnings period. Here’s a detailed explanation from the Infolinks:
Every month! At the end of each monthly payment period, Infolinks calculates your earnings for that month and issues your payment within 45 days of the end of the payment period, as a standard industry practice.
The only exception should occur if your monthly earnings are less than the Infolinks payment threshold. The minimum threshold is $50. But don’t worry – if your earnings are less than that threshold at the end of the month, these funds will be carried over to the next month.

                     Infolinks  +  Google Adsense

If this Infolinks review hasn’t answered all your questions, read their FAQ or comments here to get your queries answered.

Google Pakistan promoting Adwords via Adwords

Google Adwords in Pakistan is one of the most cost effective advertising and promotion option which is still underestimated and underutilized due to lack of awareness in masses. Pakistan is an emerging internet community comprising around 18.5 million users (i.e. 11% of total population) with a tremendous growth rate.  There are over 1.9 billion internet users worldwide according to stats provided by Pakistan is ranked in top 5 countries in terms of internet & mobile usage & growth (source: Morgan Stanley)
Last year, Google Pakistan organized various workshops to create awareness about Google Adwords in different cities of Pakistan. This year Google Pakistan decided to use its own tool i.e. Google Adwords to promote Google Adwords (as you might have noticed Google Adwords ads on this site as well).
The traditional marketing mediums such as Tv, Newspaper, Radio etc are already bombarded with the advertisements and they continuously becoming less effective. Conventional media consumption (e.g. newspapers, TV, etc.) has reduced & people generally ignore ‘push’ advertising and prefer “pull” advertising. New media consumption (e.g. internet, mobile, etc.) is increasing exponentially & people tend to ‘pull’ what they like e.g. video-on-demand (YouTube)
Importance of Search in Internet:
•81% of internet users enter websites via a search engine (source: Forrester Research)
•77% of internet users search daily & 38% search four or more times daily (source: Piper Jaffary Investment Research)
•In Pakistan, Google’s share is search is 93.51% (source: Clicky;
What is Google AdWords?
With Google AdWords, you can create and run ads for your business, quickly and simply. Run your ads on Google and our advertising network — no matter what your budget, you’ll only pay when people click your ads. Just visit to get started.
AdWords ads are displayed along with search results when someone searches Google using one of your keywords. Ads appear under ‘Sponsored links’ in the side column of a search page, and may also appear in additional positions above the free search results. That way, you’ll be advertising to an audience that’s already interested in your business. You can also choose to display your ads on Display Network sites in the growing Google Network. And, you can choose the exact Display Network placements where you’d like your ad to appear, or you can let contextual targeting match your keywords to content.
You can choose from a variety of ad formats, including text, image, and video ads, and easily track your ad performance using the reports available in your account.
There’s no minimum monthly charge with AdWords — just a nominal activation fee. Learn more about the cost of advertising with Google AdWords. Alternatively, you can watch this short, online course now and get step-by-step instructions on how to create an AdWords account.
Benefits of Google AdWords
•No minimum buy
•Easy and fast creation
•Almost immediate implementation
•Pay only for clicks
•Bid for placement
•Set maximum cost per day
•Stop or pause campaign at any time
No minimum buy - AdWords allows you spend whatever amount you want–no minimum. You can run or test a campaign for $10 a day or less.
Easy and fast creation - Once you set up an account at Google, you can begin to create ads whenever you want. Simply log in, name your campaign, and enter the headline, short body copy, and destination link. Finally, you can pick your keywords and phrases. Google’s keyword selection tools help you to identify alternate words and phrases and provide you with some data on how frequently certain phases are searched.
Almost immediate implementation - To give you a sense of how fast and easy this can be done, It took me less than 10 minutes to set up. It began appearing within 20 minutes of having set it up.
Pay only for clicks - When you view our ad, we pay nothing. If you click our ad we pay for the click. Now don’t get any crazy ideas like going there and depleting our credit card by clicking all day. Google’s system protects against multiple clicks from the same user. It also sets a maximum amount of cost per day.
Bid for placement - How much does a click cost? That depends on what you’re willing to bid and on how much you might have to bid based on the key phrase popularity.
Set maximum cost per day - Additionally, you can cap your AdWords campaign spending at a predefined amount per day. If you get a lot of activity, you can tell Google not to display your ad after a certain amount has been spent. Once this threshold has been reached, your ad will not display until the following day.
Stop or pause campaign at any time - If you want to make adjustments, you can edit your ad at any time. You can also pause or stop a campaign at any time.
I think it’s a good move by Google Pakistan to promote Google Adwords by Adwords and it should have been earlier. Following are some useful links of Google for website owners or bloggers: -
Online Trends & Keyword Research:
•Google Insights:
•Google Keyword Research:
Making Your Online Presence Effective:
•Evaluate your website’s degree of stickiness i.e. why should people come to your website and stay there?
•Google Website Optimizer:
Increase Traffic to your Website (Paid / Instant Option):
•Paid search listings with Google AdWords:
•AdWords learning center:
•AdWords industry knowledge center:
•AdWords global success stories:
•AdWords product overview [PDF]:
Increase Traffic to your Website (Free / Organic Option):
•Webmaster Guidelines:
•Search Engine Optimization (SEO):
Audit & Tracking:

•Google Analytics:
Note: - Most of the above content was provided by Mr. Muneeb Ali from Google Pakistan to all the attendants of Google Adwords workshop.